PMS evolution tracks

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Pre-main-sequence (PMS) evolutionary tracks.
These tracks show the relationship between luminosity and temperature holding for pre-main-sequence stars of different masses.

  • Each PMS track (blue lines) is labeled by the stellar mass in units of M (the mass of the sun). The red curves intersecting the tracks are isochrones which give the age of an evolving star at the intersection and are labeled in years. As an example, stars 106 years old lie along the curve labeled 106.
  • The PMS tracks start at the stars birth depicted by the isochrone (which is the upper black line near the 105 yr isochrone) and end when the star is entering the zero age main sequence (ZAMS) (which is the lower black line near the 108 yr isochrone).
  • The nearly vertical parts of the tracks which exist for stars weighing up to three solar masses are called Hayashi tracks, whereas the horizontal parts connecting Hayashi tracks and the ZAMS are called Henyey tracks.
Public domain

Steven W. Stahler and Francesco Palla, "The Formation of Stars"; doi:10.1002/9783527618675.
Republished in:

Francesco Palla, 1961–2011: Fifty years of Hayashi tracks, AIP Conf. Proc. 1480, pp. 22-29; doi:10.1063/1.4754323.
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