Seal of the United States Department of the Interior

U.S. federal government
252 x 251 Pixel (148420 Bytes)

Seal of the United States Department of the Interior.

The seal consists of a male bison with the head and body in a left position, standing on a prairie, with mountains and a rising sun in the background, enclosed within two concentric circles, having the words "U.S. Department of the Interior" and the date "March 3, 1849" (when Congress created the department) inscribed in the top and bottom arcs within these circles. See here for more information.

The bison seal dates from 1917, when it was used as the emblem on the initial department flag and thereafter replaced the old version of the seal, which used a federal eagle. The eagle was reinstated for a few years in the 1920s, and a different seal was used from 1968-69, but on both occasions the bison seal was reinstated. For more information see this chapter in The Department of Everything Else: Highlights of Interior History.
Komentář k Licence:
Public domain, but other legal restrictions apply. The seal may not be used in connection with any commercial or other unofficial enterprise without the written approval of the custodian of the seal.[1]
Public domain
Extracted from PDF file here (the 2007 Web brochure linked on this page).
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