Spectrum of blue sky


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2531 x 1600 Pixel (101707 Bytes)
Spectrum of blue sky somewhat near the horizon pointing east at around 3 or 4 pm on a clear day. Spectrum was taken using an Ocean Optics HR2000 spectrometer [1] with a high-OH solarization-resistant fiber optic light guide. this spectrum is NOT BY ANY MEANS IDEAL and was taken from inside a laboratory through probably 4 panes of window glass, thus completely attenuating virtually all radiation below 400nm also the end of the fiber optic was not coupled to any collimating optics thus there may be some slight skewing of the spectrum due to diffuse reflections off surrounding buildings and trees etc. Because the response of the CCD detector in the spectrometer is not linear the spectrum in the infrared region is also less than what is actually present in sunlight; the blackbody spectrum of sunlight continues much further into the infrared than is shown here. This spectrum is not calibrated for intensity.
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