Spielberg bare map numbers contextless 2021 corner names

I, User:HumanBodyPiloter5, created this SVG map as a derivative work based on the satellite image of the Spielberg circuit released by w:en:Planet Labs under CC-BY-SA 4.0 in 2018
Obrázek je označen jako „Vyžadováno uvedení zdroje“ (Attribution Required), ale nebyly uvedeny žádné informace o přiřazení. Při použití šablony MediaWiki pro licence CC-BY byl pravděpodobně parametr atribuce vynechán. Autoři zde mohou najít příklad pro správné použití šablon.
2419 x 1956 Pixel (55523 Bytes)
This is a map of the w:en:Red Bull Ring, formerly known as the A1-Ring and the Österreichring, in w:en:Spielberg, Austria. It shows the circuit roughly as it has been in the period spanning 2014-2021. Corner numbers are marked with the numbers "1" through "10", the start/finish line is marked with a checkered flag and a large arrow showing a direction of travel. The marker "S1" shows the end of the first sector, and the marker "S2" shows the end of the second sector. The location of these markers was sourced from the FIA's official Formula One circuit map. The arrow marked "N" shows the direction of north. The track layout is in black, while the pit lane is shown in blue. The corner names are as given on the venue's website in the year 2021. The dashed lines show the sectors in roughly the same colours that Formula One's official graphics do, although this has been edited to fit with a colour palette intended to reduce the likelihood of issues occurring for colourblind viewers. Sector 1 is salmon, sector 2 is cyan, and sector 3 is yellow.
Released under CC-BY-SA-4.0 by Planet Labs; image also available on Wikimedia Commons
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