The battle of Panipat and the death of Sultan Ibrāhīm, the last of the Lōdī Sultans of Delhi

  • Ẓahīr ud-Dīn Muḥammad Bābur (1483-1530)
  • It contains 30 mostly full-page miniatures in fine Mughal style by at least two different artists.
814 x 1301 Pixel (1328564 Bytes)
Illustrations from the Manuscript of Baburnama (Memoirs of Babur) - Late 16th Century

Bāburnāma is the memoirs of Ẓahīr ud-Dīn Muḥammad Bābur (1483-1530), founder of the Mughal Empire and a great-great-great-grandson of Timur. It is an autobiographical work, originally written in the Chagatai language, known to Babur as "Turki" (meaning Turkic), the spoken language of the Andijan-Timurids. Because of Babur's cultural origin, his prose is highly Persianized in its sentence structure, morphology, and vocabulary,and also contains many phrases and smaller poems in Persian. During Emperor Akbar's reign, the work was completely translated to Persian by a Mughal courtier, Abdul Rahīm, in AH (Hijri) 998 (1589-90).

These Paintings, being a fragment of a dispersed copy, was executed most probably in the late 10th AH /16th CE century. It contains 30 mostly full-page miniatures in fine Mughal style by at least two different artists. Another major fragment of this work (57 folios) is in the State Museum of Eastern Cultures, Moscow.
Public domain
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Bitva u Pánípatu (1526)

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