Updated SpaceX Crew-9 Patch
3608 x 3608 Pixel (4832571 Bytes)
The Crew-9 mission patch depicts the trail of a rocket launching en route to the International Space Station, which will be home for a long-duration expedition dedicated to service, science, and collaboration. Coastal waves are inspired by the historic Florida launch site, and on a larger scale represent our blue planet, the global ocean connecting all continents. A falcon, with the number nine as its beak and a crescent moon as its eye, is a nod to the Falcon 9 rocket, while the constellation Draco honors the Dragon spacecraft that will take Crew-9 to their destination. The Delta symbol, first used in 1961, evokes historic ties to the earliest days of space endeavors. Human exploration of space is built on international collaboration and depends on the support of multitudes across the globe whose efforts honor that heritage.
Public domain
Tento mediální soubor byl katalogizován v Johnsonově vesmírném středisku amerického Národního úřadu pro letectví a kosmonautiku (NASA)pod Photo ID: jsc2024e011322.
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