Vojtěch Merunka - september 2019
Originally a master in computer engineering, I became a Ph.D. in data processing and mathematical modeling and an associate professor in information management at the Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management and the Czech University of Technology in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering. I am professionally interested in object-based programming languages and object-oriented methods and tools for modeling and simulation. I am primarily interested in the pure object-oriented programming in Smalltalk, Apple technology and is an co-author of the BORM method on the FSM-based object-oriented analysis and simulation of organizational and business systems.
I am among other activities long been concerned in conlanging. I am a co-author of Interslavic zonal constructed language and co-editor-in-chief of the SLOVJANI.info (in English: the SLAVS, p-ISSN 2570-7108, e-ISSN 2570-7116) - the expert journal using Interslavic and focusing on issues of Slavic peoples in the wider sociocultural context of current times. I translated dialogues for the Painted Bird (film).Relevantní obrázky
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Vojtěch MerunkaVojtěch Merunka je vysokoškolský učitel, odborník v oblasti objektově orientovaného programování, autor odborných publikací, autor a propagátor jazyka novoslověnština, později spoluautor mezislovanštiny. .. pokračovat ve čtení