Wfm river clyde

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The River Clyde flowing through central Glasgow in Scotland.

This view, looking east at the city centre from the Bell's Bridge near the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre shows the Kingston Bridge (carrying the M8 motorway over the river).

The photograph shows the effects of gentrification in the once heavily industrialised port areas of the country. The Finnieston Crane on the left dates from when Glasgow was one of the busiest ports in the world. Shipping moved to deeper ports downstream after the second world war, and the quay areas of Glasgow fell into decline and decay. The city's renaissance in the 1980s and 90s led this area being rebuilt with expensive office and particularly residential developments, a process that continues today (as evidenced by the modern crane on the right, building a luxury residential block).
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Clyde je řeka v jižním Skotsku. Protéká přes správní oblasti Jižní Lanarkshire, Severní Lanarkshire, Glasgow, Západní Dunbartonshire, Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Argyll a Bute. Je 170 km dlouhá. Povodí má rozlohu 4100 km². Je to desátá nejdelší řeka Spojeného království. .. pokračovat ve čtení