Zbrodnia katynska - Charkow - niesmiertelniki - orange, 2024.09.02, Ivonna Nowicka

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Miltary identity tags of Polish officers who were murdered by the Soviet secret police or NKVD in the part of the Katyn Massacre that was committed in Kharkov (nowadays Kharkiv in Ukraine) in April and March 1940. The Katyn Massacre is an umbrella term referring to the crime against the Polish nation in which at least 21,768 Polish military officers, auxiliary officers, policemen, border guards, prison guards were murdered at Stalin's order of 5 March 1940 in Katyn, Kalinin (nowadays Tver), Kharkov, Kiev, probably Minsk and other locations in a highly secretive operation. The army officers murdered constituted 45 per cent of the officer corps of Polish Land Forces.

These 49 military identity tags were found in the mass graves of the victims in Piatikhatki in Kharkov during excavations in 1991 and 1994-96. They are not all of the identity tags found there, as altogether 70+ identity tags have been found, there. The tags presented here are those put on display in the Katyn Museum in Warsaw.

The mass graves in Kharkov-Piatikhatki yielded the largest number of identity tags. In the mass graves of Katyn ca 6 were found, in Mednoye - 1 and in the single mass graves of the victims of the Katyn Massacre in Kyiv-Bykivnia also just one military identity tag was found.
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