USGS logo green

U.S. Government
500 x 200 Pixel (10223 Bytes)
Official logo of the United States Geological Survey in SVG format
Komentář k Licence:
The USGS logo, also referred to as the USGS identifier, is trademarked. The USGS Visual Identity System, including the identifier itself, is reserved for use by the USGS and its official partners and cooperators only. Use of the identifier by other entities is prohibited without prior written permission. The identifier may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be provided to a commercial source for reproduction except as authorized by the USGS. If you would like more information about the USGS Visual Identity System, you may contact Official guidance for use of the U.S. Geological Survey Visual Identity System (VIS) including the trademarked USGS identifier by non-USGS organizations.
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United States Geological Survey

United States Geological Survey (USGS) je americká vědeckovýzkumná vládní agentura. Je součástí struktur Ministerstva vnitra. Pracovníci agentury zkoumají geografii, USA, přírodní zdroje a přírodní katastrofy. .. pokračovat ve čtení