Madame de Ventadour with Louis XIV and his Heirs

Původně připisováno Nicolas de Largillière
1280 x 1007 Pixel (995459 Bytes)
Note - a composite portrait of the Bourbon succession, made in the period 1715-1720. At the centre of the portrait is the Sun King, Louis XIV, most illustrious of his dynasty. His father (Louis XIII) and grandfather (Henry IV) are shown as busts. At the King's right is his son, Louis the Grand Dauphin; to the king's left is his eldest grandson, Louis, Duke of Burgundy. Both predeceased Louis XIV. The king gestures to his great-grandson, the duc d’Anjou, the future Louis XV (1710-74), symbolising the older man's approval of his young heir. Madame de Ventadour, the young duke's governess (and the only non-royal in the painting) holds in her hands her charge's reins. Her presence references her role in "saving" the future Louis XV and thus the dynasty from the measles epidemic of 1712. The painting was probably made for her. [1]].
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