'Nymph', a yacht belonging to Lord Harborough, 1834 RMG PW6106
Revd Calvert Richard Jones
1280 x 841 Pixel (608371 Bytes)
'Nymph', a yacht belonging to Lord Harborough, 1834. The heir to an estate in Wales, a musician and mathematician, Calvert Jones led the life of a leisured gentleman and gave up his parishes early in life. His watercolours, mainly of shipping, are fluid and accurate and it is possible that he may have been associated with George Chambers. By the early 1840s he was experimenting with the newly invented process of photography, in particular the calotype, and in this he was W.H. Fox Talbot's closest collaborator, as well as his cousin. The drawing is dated 3 September 1833.
'Nymph'. Yacht belonging to Lord Harborough, 1834
'Nymph'. Yacht belonging to Lord Harborough, 1834
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Calvert JonesCalvert Richard Jones byl velšský fotograf, matematik a malíř, nejznámější svými mořskými krajinami. Řadí se mezi významné fotografy druhé poloviny 19. století jako například Luigi Sacchi, Firmin Eugène Le Dien, Gustave Le Gray, George Wilson Bridges, Giorgio Sommer nebo Giuseppe Incorpora. .. pokračovat ve čtení