Fairchild C-119B of the 314th Troop Carrier Group in flight, 1952 (021001-O-9999G-016)

U.S. Air Force
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A U.S. Air Force Fairchild C-119B-10-FA Flying Boxcar (s/n 49-102) of the 314th Troop Carrier Group in 1952. This aircraft was later converted to an C-119C in 1955-56. The 314th TCG served in Japan during the Korean War, participating in two major airborne operations, at Sunchon in October 1950 and at Munsan-ni in March 1951. It later transported supplies to Korea and evacuated prisoners of war.

Original caption: "The 314th Troop Carrier Group C-119 Flying Boxcars do not start out for the "mountain" unless weather reports are good. They must be able to see the tiny drop zone on the peak before they can drop. But weather is so unpredictable in the high mountains, that often when the planes arrive, the entire area is "socked in" with heavy clouds. In the radio contact with the "men on the mountains," the pilots circle hoping for a break in the clouds, or sometimes, to dive under the clouds and drop on the lower slopes. On several occasions, the planes have had to return to Japan as many as three times without dropping. But 314th Troop Carrier Group pilots are presistant, and eventually win through to drop successfully. 1952 (U.S. Air Force photo)"
Public domain
Official U.S. Air Force photo 021001-O-9999G-016
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