Seal of Virginia

User:LadyofHats with additional editing by User:痛 and User:Patrickneil
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The state seal of Virginia. Sic semper tyrannis is Latin for Thus always to tyrants. The current design was originally sculpted for the Commonwealth of Virginia by Charles Keck in 1931, in turn based off the 1776 description authored by George Wythe and George Mason. Colors were assigned in 1949 by members of the Art Commission of Virginia.
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Code of Virginia, Article 1. Symbols of Sovereignty.

The great seal of the Commonwealth shall consist of two metallic discs, two and one-fourth inches in diameter, with an ornamental border one fourth of an inch wide, with such words and figures engraved as follows: On the obverse, Virtus, the genius of the Commonwealth, dressed as an Amazon, resting on a spear in her right hand, point downward, touching the earth; and holding in her left hand, a sheathed sword, or parazonium, pointing upward; her head erect and face upturned; her left foot on the form of Tyranny represented by the prostrate body of a man, with his head to her left, his fallen crown nearby, a broken chain in his left hand, and a scourge in his right. Above the group and within the border conforming therewith, shall be the word "Virginia," and, in the space below, on a curved line, shall be the motto, "Sic Semper Tyrannis."

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