Seal of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development

U.S. Government
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Seal of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The seal was originally unveiled on November 10, 1966, and later defined in law (Federal Register 32FR366-67 and 24 CFR subtitle A, §11.1, both since removed as part of a streamlining of the federal code). The seal was defined as:

On a white background within a circle composed of the words, "U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development," is an eagle and two stars. The six upper bars depicting the upper portion of the eagle's wings, the torso of the eagle, the star at the right of the eagle, and the words, "U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development," are colored blue. The eight lower bars depicting the lower portion of the eagle's wings and the star at the left of the eagle are colored green."

The seal is a representative of high rise buildings simulating an eagle and giving emphasis to the "urban" in HUD's name. The eagle (shown abstractly) is a symbol of Federal authority. The use of green symbolizes open space, land, growth and prosperity. The blue in the Seal alludes to the quality of life and environment in America's cities.

More information here.
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Public domain, though other legal restrictions apply.
Public domain
Extracted from PDF file here.
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